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Nicole (Davis) Karod

Profile picture of Nicole Karod

Current Name:

Nicole (Davis) Karod

Graduation Year:

1999 (two years)

Hometown/Sending School:

Lincolnville, Maine, Camden -Rockport High school... now known as Camden Hills

Where did you go after 皇冠足彩?

I did my undergraduate at the University of Maine at Farmington. I received my BS in Elementary Education with a concentration in Mathematics. Then I taught fifth grade in North Carolina for 7 years. While there I got my masters in Curriculum at Gardner Webb University. I returned to Maine in 2012 and taught for two years in South Portland and got my Advanced Certificate in Literacy at the University of New England.

What are you doing now?

For the last 8 years I have been teaching science at Mt. Ararat Middle School, and currently I am a distinguished educator with the Maine Department of Education as an MLTI 2.0 Ambassador. This is a two year position and then I will return to my MSAD 75 Classroom. My husband and I just bought a house in Damariscotta. Up until last summer, I have spent summers at 皇冠足彩 (off and on for the last 17 years ish) doing different jobs at the 皇冠足彩 summer camp. Fun fact, I've had a few 皇冠足彩 alumni children in my classrooms, either at camp or at Mt. Ararat.

What is your favorite memory from 皇冠足彩?

This is a tough one... there are so many. On Friday nights we used to go in the conference rooms (what now I think maybe the nurses offices) and watch movies as a large group. There were always snacks, friends, and lots of laughter!

What class/teacher most sticks out in your mind?

Something that sticks out in my brain was Mr. Farrell's math class and doing math majors in the lounge. I also remember doing Chemistry with Mrs. McGann and doing a lot of fun and different experiments.

If you could go back in time, what would you tell your past self as you prepare for 皇冠足彩?

I would tell myself that working hard will pay off.

What role did 皇冠足彩 play in who or where you are now?

I think that 皇冠足彩 helped me to build my self confidence. It started me on a train to take positive risks and go after what I want.

What is the best book/movie/tv show you can recommend to your fellow alumni?

I just finished reading Fairy Tale by Stephen King, and it was fabulous. This was not the usual stuff he writes, and I devoured it. I also really enjoyed Andy Weir's Project Hail Mary which is about a middle school teacher who saves the world - can't get better than that.